Human beings evolved when started using entheogens. Our mind expanded suddenly. A luminic psychedelic explosion arised in the human brain for the first time. That energy was so huge that forced the primitive human reasoning to make an effort to understand such strange thing wich began to happen in his mind. The fusion of human brain with these forms of life (entheogens) established a communication in wich plants gave life to dead or sleeping zones of the mind wich woke up to life with autonomy.
The rational part of the human mind had to make an effort to understand this autonomous mental activity wich seemed to be alien to its own reality. The effort to understand gave place to the first forms of conscient expression in man. The first simbols.
Today we know that the first rock paintins date from over 20 thousand years ago, and that them were created by the 'shamans' of that time. These images show animals with auras, floating, or strage-looking beings. The psychedelic outbreak liberated man from a routinary state of consciousness wich had been conditioning him for hundred of thousands of years. This explosion of mystery and diversity of images forced us to explore... to point our attention and to penetrate with it. Descifer, explain. Comprehend, transmit.
That intention of search and transmission constitutes
the basis of our languaje, of our mental state and sense of reality. We adquire languaje, wich is nothing but an evolution of instinct. Every focus of attention pointed to this area with basis on transmission.
An outbreak of luminous images with determined forms started
to manifest in the dark inner kingdom of man. The black
space of mind filled with forms and colors. People quitted from
living only on the outside. Now they had to conquer images
and transmit their meaning to others. These images were associated
with the world they knew externally, wich helped them to comprehend
the environment even more and be able to modify it. Existence started to make sense and meanings. The human being started to find and lose himself in the infinite. Expanding his mind, escaping from his obscure unconscious.
Nowadays entheogeny frees us of this expressive form leading us to primordial manifestation... back to instinct, the root of intention. Without losing our contemporary capicity of understanding (gained in the last few millennia) we go back to the origin... we leave behind our ignorance again to make a new jump... from the base...and when going back to the cultural surface one comes back with more impulse, leading also who sorround you to make a higher step in human expression.
Man's independence from entheogens will come when his intention, not forced by external agents, can wake him up to mystery more than the 'energy' of plants. Meanwhile we can only hope that the self-boicot spirit against our ignorance and conformism wakes up. In such way we'll do anything to 'wake up', to comprehend deeply.
This will be the beggining of the construction of an intention to understand the mysteries.
This self-boicot consists in inducing oneself to travel to the depths even against your own will. Sabotaging it, leaving it ends.
Taking the entheogen not with desire, but with bravery. It's very common to feel desire to ingest a plant but noticing it's never the proper day to do it. Altough we long for the idealization or the poor unconscious memory of how benefitial this experience is, the superficial mind never wants to do it. She knows it's her end. She cannot want it. Our expression in this superficial area of understanding has its own life and doesn't want to perish. She doesn't understand that she won't die, that she'll only change, evolve. Trascending our own ego is to let us go. Letting go is accepting, in fullness, the strongest reality that existence may bring us.
Today's man lives unconscious in this superficial form of coded expression (as words). All of them have already lost their conscious sense. They are not artistic expressions as they were in their origin. Today they're treated like zeros and ones.
Unfortunately the mentality of the average human does not deviate too far from the mentality of a caveman ... his culture is not intelligence, but inheritance... a more evolved software working slowly and locked inside a primitive hardware. Our heritage is as virtual archives of knowledge ... we are good at processing information but not so generating it ... A computer looks smart, but it is not. No self-consciousness. In the same way man processes information, but without conscience, without real understanding.
We are caveman rich in symbols, images and association. Millionaires in symbolism. The kings of the cave. But this wealth doesn't makes us more evolved. A man in the early history penetrating into the mind's mysteries, discovering and creating language is infinitely more evolved than average todays human. This caveman was full of inspiration...he broke with mental structures wich had been conditioning the human mind for millions of years. These man overcame gravitational forces wich manteined human beings in a determined state of consciousness for inconceivable time measurements. Inspiration and geniality of the first men who expressed themselves is possibly beyond comparison to any other
form of geniality ever existed so far in our history because they been part of the last and big paradigm change of our species.
The rest of the discoveries that human race has made have been speculations of a language already formed. Moreover, the creation of it had changed in only a couple thousand years, the million years that preceded them. This evolutionary leap has been the death of a former self. The perishing of a state of consciousness that reincarnated as the beginning of this dialectical form and understanding of 'reality' wich we conceive.
So as children of the history we have inherited the merits of the effort of those minds that penetrated the mystery and understood it. Our dialectic symbology also evolved with the subsequent efforts. However, the quantum leap has occurred only once in the past 20 millennia.
The modern civilization must saturate and overflow with language to observe the banality of it thus trascending it. This is simply a maduration process. Like being tired and falling asleep at night. Something that happens naturally when the organism is saturated with activity. But one can ask... if this is a natural process, why force it?...Because our effort is the natural process. Without our effort we would still be dust. The universe is evolving mind. Understanding its environment in different ways and with more and more speed.
The universe continues to expand ... but this like the expansion of human language is simply a logical development to a large outbreak of consciousness, one so immense that even continues to grow. Our symbolic dialectic still expanding. Continues to develop into forms of language evolution. However, this development is simply an extension of that paradigm shift that occurred millennia ago.
Similary the universe evolves. Science has discovered that the Big Bang lasted an imperceptible fraction of wich went from being a particle smaller than an atom, to a hundred millions light-years size. So great and swift was its appearance that it continues to expand 13 billion years after that fact. However, this growth is driven by that force, that explosion. As the history of our mind and language, the universe grows under the law of that old paradigm shift and is unaware of what was there before this took place.
The big bang is a relative beginning of our mind. This has expanded since then and has grown into the human mind. But all minds are one in truth ... what separates us is the space-time. The core of the universe is the past of our own mind expansion through this mental journey that we call spacetime.
The cosmos is a picture of our individual and infinite reality. The science is still unaware that in looking through a telescope to observe deep space, one observes its deep innerside, and when measuring light years, calculates the distance between the mind and the reality it observes. As our understanding evolves there won't be light years between the stars and us.
The distance between the center of the universe (the beginning) and our planet is the same distance between our superficial mind and the deepest unconscious level. The human mind is stretched along the spatial universe since the big bang. Its core and our deepest psychic depth are identical and the distance between them and the world in which we live is the same.
But we should realize that the body won't be able to travel to the core of the universe ... So many billions of light years may be too much. However, our mind couldn't do it either. Since is it who creates our body conception and therefore both are the same thing. Both must change. When our understanding is deep enough the body is relativized, the time will look tiny and the light will seem slow.
The human being is still unaware that his reality, interpretation and perception do not autenthicate the solid universe they percibe (relativity theory doesn't seem to have helped much). The universe is interpreting mind, therefore its never the same and doesn't even exist in terms of solid or determinable reality. Its differently interpreted from every fraction of itself. It's interpreted from the galaxy, and also from the's interpreted from earth, from man, and in different way from our cells. Also from every atom.
What we can perceive is not determined by the cosmos and fisical reality...its more like a artwork, a guide to orient us about our evolutionary level. Light and speed are the way our mind travels in sutble forms wich we are still not aware of, that's why we observe this phenomena as something alien, separated from us. The stars and galaxies are the different complete 'reality' systems we still have to explore...and as we aproach these 'realities', light years will be dissapearing. The illusion of time and space will begin to dissappear and soon everybody will understand the relativity in an adequate manner. The stars will come close to Earth...Our body has grown or the universe has shrunk...truth is everything will be separated for tiny fractions of time and space. The mind has subtilized to become absolute, unviersal. 13 thousand millions of years will be interpreted as a few hours are interpreted from an octogenarian's mind. When returning to it's origin human mind will remember being as old as the cosmos. Consciousness will give man an universal mind y therefore an universal body. Possibly the theory of an expanding universe that later will shrunk (big crunch) it's the way the cosmos has already revealed us the path and destiny of our mind...separating us exaggeratedly, eternally lost in illusion, increasingly moving away from the core (its unconscient, its origin, the begging of the universe) to contract again later, become one.
This cosmic draw guides us, orients us, like a teacher, like an oracle...a look into the future, to our immense body. Astronomy and astrology get together to reveal us the true meaning of our 'reality'. We only have to learn to hear its voice.
Our past, that we have left behind and that's been forgotten eons ago will become the future, then time will dissappear. The day the man starts going to his interior, will be the day in wich the cosmos will start its return to the core.
Everything will change it's course. The most extreme opposites will again become one.